Sunday, October 31, 2010
email: love it or hate it
Friday, October 29, 2010
John Piper's South Africa messages
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lies and statistics
Grace - Tullian Tchividjian
Walking through a Graveyard
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Gospel powered ministry
- Remind yourself of how the gospel shaped you. Sometime we can get so involved in helping others understand the gospel that we forget and minimize its effect in our life. Nothing will excite someone about Jesus more than someone who themselves is excited by the fact that Jesus saved them!
- Don't neglect your spiritual disciplines: prayer, studying scripture, silence, reflection. These are the means by which Jesus puts the fuel back into our tanks and these are values you want to instill in those you lead. Monkey see monkey do - be a good monkey (for Jesus fame of course! :)
- Know your strengths. Know what you do well and what energizes you and do those things so that you will be most effective. At every opportunity pass on what you have learned, and what you are gifted with to others. Great leaders help those under them to become better at what they do, so mentor those who work alongside you so that they may be the best they can be.
- Know your weaknesses. Know what you don't do well and draw others in to pick up where you will drop things. Say 'no' when you know that you will not be able to complete the task well, rather under promise and over deliver that over promise and under deliver. It is also worth working harder on the things you are weak at so that they are less of a hindrance and sometimes by God's grace they become strengths.
- Remember that this is always about Jesus! Ministry is getting people to know your best friend and to make him theirs. That's a joy to do when we love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
All theology and no application?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Habitat for humanity house build

Everyone who I spoke to on the team enjoyed the time they spent in Mfuleni. It's given them a deeper perspective of life in South Africa, and I speak for myslef that it makes me grateful that I have as much as I have.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Good to great
Jim Collins lists these characteristics of teams on the way up:
1 acknowledge the sometimes unpleasant facts
2 bring data, evidence and facts to the discussion
3 leaders have a high questions to statements ratio, pushing and challenging others
4 each member credits others and enjoys respect and admiration of peers
5 teams conduct autopsies without blame gaining wisdom from experiences
6 team members unify behind decisions even if they did not agree with the decision
Poor teams - teams on the way down:
1 hide the facts
2 opinions are voiced without data and facts
3 leaders make more statements than questions avoiding critical input
4 team members seek their own credit and are not respected by others
5 teams seek to blame seeking culprits rather than wisdom
6 team members acquiesce to a decision but undermine it afterwards
Food for are we doing?...make some comments in the blog page
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Roundup and some book recommendations
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Evening service
Our experimental evening service kicked off this week with about 40 people and we started our study of the book of Romans and we got a whopping 7 verses in! There is so much of value in Romans that it is worth unpacking as Paul explains the richness of Christ Jesus and the gospel message to save us for Jesus glory.
I really want to strongly encourage all the leaders to make an effort to come to these services, it will help you grow in your faith and lead those under your care with greater effectiveness. This is especially important for those who are ministering at KidsChurch as you miss out on teaching on Sunday mornings. Please remember that all my sermons are available on the website for download.
Please remember all these communications are on my blog and I am more than happy that you send the link to others who may be interested. I’d prefer it if you subscribed to the blog and I have added the means to do that. Many of you have already done this, if you have not please do this here: you can subscribe directly by clicking here You will get the same postings via email, but they will come directly from my blog and it makes things simpler, easier to manage and I will be stopping the direct mails shortly. I can see who has subscribed and I really need to you to do this so that all the church leadership is up to speed with information moving around.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Habitat for Humanity

Monday, October 4, 2010
Psalm 8
Friday, October 1, 2010
Youth ministry?
After spending many years leading teenagers in the church I found this article at The Resurgence really interesting. Whilst I think good has come out of all the programming and youth groups that I have been part of I am not convinced that much real long term faith growth has been accomplished in many of the teenagers.
In our current setup we have a teenagers bible study for the dozen or so teenagers we have at our church. I reckon we do more meaty work there in a month than would be achieved in a year of other programming. We hit the scriptures and some deep theological issues hard. They ask tough questions we debate the answers and in it I believe, Jesus is glorified and little by little these awesome young teenagers are growing in maturity of faith!
The challenge is to get leaders in churches out of the ‘that is the way it is done’ mentality. That’s tough to do. I know. I was one of them and it has taken me a long time to fully realize that many of the models that worked (or didn’t) in previous generations need to be rethought.
My hope is that we’d be immensely creative, Spirit led and Jesus honouring so that we’d produce fully devoted followers of Jesus. That means getting out the box, rubbing a few stuck-in-the-mud folks up the wrong way – but ultimately it will mean doing what Jesus wants us to do: to glorify him in all that we do by living our faith out daily and helping others to do the same!
Military Leadership vs Jesus leadership
I am currently reading a great book by Jon Krakauer on Pat Tillman it is a moving and sad read as one follows the cover up that the US government perpetrated in friendly fire deaths.
But what got me thinking was how tough, narrow minded and abusive military leadership often is. Orders are given and there is an expectation of blind following. This often lead to mistakes being made and lives being lost. Sadly this kind of leadership is rampant in the church too.
Jesus on the other hand lead with a servant attitude, strongly, firmly and truthfully but He did so by lifting others up with him rather than ordering them to get his will done. He did not expect subservience, but even calls us his fellow workers! What an awesome leader and example to us. Jesus encouraged the guys around him to get on track with him and to seek God’s glory without forcing or coercing them – man I hope we as leaders get to live out that kind of leadership in His church!
OK so I have had an Amazon Kindle for some weeks now and I thought it would be helpful to post a review for those who might be interested. I have one word to describe it:
I love the device. The screen using e-ink technology is very readable in broad daylight and is much softer on the eyes than a normal LCD screen as found on other devices like the iPad. Buying books is phenomenally easy and the device I have is the entry level one with wifi only connectivity. The upgrade has 3G (cellphone network) as well which is better if you travel lots. Purchasing is directly from Amazon and delivery is within a week directly to your door.
Books are much cheaper too. Recently I purchased Wayne Grudem’s Systematic theology – around R460 locally in paperback and only $30 on the Kindle which is about 50% less, the device will pay for itself in a year at the rate I read books (3 – 4 per month). There are around 650000 books available and a purchase takes about 30 seconds before it is readable on the Kindle. The device can hold around 3000 books and keeps your place in each book. I have already purchased about 20 books and read 5 of them J
Whilst I still love paper books I think this is the way of the future and I have found the transition very easy and I will probably use the device more and more. Marisa is so convinced she just bought one too!