Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April newsletter

Dear Friends here is some news about what is happening inside, outside and around our congregation here in Protea Valley. We've sharpened our mission statement wording to make it even more clear what we are about as we follow Jesus:
'Inside, outside and all around'
Discipling the faithful INSIDE the church to be and to act like Jesus
Reaching the lost OUTSIDE the church with the message of Jesus
Serving the community AROUND the church with the love of Jesus
Our aim as a church is to impact our community and this happens when those inside the church are becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus and then taking that message out to save and serve the lost and the community around our church. Church is not something you do or something you go to, it's something you are.
This is your mission.

Home groups

One of the ways that mission plays itself out is in the homegroups.
Hein and Patty are heading up our homegroup ministry and they are already doing a great job. We want all our members to be part of and to attend a homegroup. Whilst we do understand that there are some good reasons for not attending for a season, like kids or a sudden stage of travelling there are many people who work long hours, are single parents and still regularly make their midweek recharge sessions with others in the church. We want you to be part of this for your health – its part of growing towards Christian maturity.
Our groups are running well and we will be having a leadership training seminar over three evenings from the 4th – 18th May and we've invited a bunch of folk but there may be others who are not yet leaders who would like to join – please come with and see what this opportunity of leading is about.


It's been great meeting some of the new members and talking with a lot of the long term worshippers, there is a lot of growth in faith and a deeper desire to follow Jesus in many areas of life. Nothing makes the pastor of a church happier than when the flock under his care are growing and when those outside the church anre being brought to Jesus. Let me remind you what we all as individuals are aiming for:
We believe that a fully devoted follower of Jesus...
... repents of their sin, makes public confession of a Trinitarian belief and would be baptized
... regularly worships Jesus both privately and publically
... studies the scriptures, both Old and New Testaments
... Is faithful in prayer
... lives a holy and moral life by the Spirit
... loves the church through fellowship and community
... serves in ministry using their spiritual gifts
... shares their material resources with the church and the world
... witnesses to the world in word and action
…knows that in grace, Jesus forgives them when they do not live up to these biblical instructions

Project Volcano

Project Volcano has been very busy putting a lot of things together as we work toward fundraising for the new building. Many of you are wondering why things have been happening so slowly and we understand those questions and some of the disappointment you may be feeling. There is a lot of ground work that needs to be done and we are using he services of a consulting organization who specialize in fundraising for NGO's. We want to do this process properly as we have one shot and in the near future you will become much more aware of what is a happening.
As mentioned in previous newsletters we're always willing to hear ideas and there have been a great many already in terms of strategy, ideas and contacts. Please send a mail to and let us know some of the ideas that you may have.
Please keep the team in your prayers!

Want to serve?

We're looking for help in a number of areas. Please contact me that we can get you serving!
Sound desk – we need people who have an ear for music and are not afraid to learn some of the technicalities of operating the sound desk.
Worship team – With Grant having moved to Fishhoek we're in need of team members. We're also planning to start an evening service in September and we'll need more hands on deck. Please step up and serve if you have the giftedness. Obviously we'll need to interview and audition you!
KidsChurch – We need extra teachers, with the massive turnout of children we need manpower to help teach and lead our children. We would really like some men on the team!
If you are keen to get involved in any of these ministries, get hold of me or 072 585 4294

Things to pray for

Let me be honest, I'm really disappointed at the lack of support for any form of corporate prayer, we've had prayer meetings at the church for the last 2 years now and we've tried different mornings and times and we never have more than a handful of faithful people who come to commit the life and work of the church before God. I keep asking myself the reasons why there is not more support: Is it because of busyness - but all of us who come and pray are busy, is it because of the children – those who come are all parents and we all bring our kids with. So I ask myself is it a lack of commitment – yet I see a lot of commitment in other areas, is it a lack of faith that prayer accomplishes anything or a lack of care for the work God is doing....I don't believe those things are true, but ultimately only you can answer those questions. If you are unable to join us, here are some of the things we've been praying for and we'd like you to add your agreement with us as we take these things to God:
  • Project volcano as we continue in the fundraising process: Please pray for guidance and energy for the team and pray for willing and generous hearts for those who will help realize this God given dream.
  • Leaders in the church: that we'd be committed, spirit-filled and Jesus centred in all that we do. That we would lead diligently and boldly. Pray especially for Brent and the elders as the responsibility for running the church is an onerous task and we want to do it well.
  • Marriages: many marriages are taking a lot of strain and I'm asking you to keep on your knees for them, as well as for your own marriage.
  • Plans towards an evening service in spring time: There are logistical implications of this and first on that list is the worship team as we'll need more members to help with the extra load. Please also pray for those win the valley who do not yet have a home and who will come to this new service
  • Those in the area who do not know Jesus: There are hundreds of people in the area who do not know Jesus, or know him by name only. We are God's means to reach them and we start by praying for them. You can pray in broad for all those in the area, but I would like you also to pray for specific individuals too. Pray that they would repent of sin, and find grace and forgiveness through Jesus.

Important Dates

4th, 11th and 18th May – Homegroup leadership training, if you are interested in being part of this please come and join us for all three nights. All home group leaders are expected to attend this training and to bring an assistant leader with them to be trained up.
13th May – Ascension Day service at PVFC 7:00pm
31st May – Pentecost! The Holy Spirit gets poured out on the church
Thanks for being such an awesome church! Thanks for being a committed, plugged in, growing and serving Jesus church. There are a great many things that God has got planned for us, and my prayer is that we might
Blessings to you and your loved ones,

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