Friday, November 19, 2010

People at Work - Presentation 1 | The Lausanne Global Conversation

Mark Greene executive director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity gives an fascinating and very challenging presentation on how to be the church in the workplace - really worth a watch! The single most striking line is this "98% of Christians have not been envision nor equipped for mission in 95% of their waking lives, what a tragic waste of human potential"

Part of Lausanne conference is a manifesto stating truth and vision for the movement part of it says this "Another context for lay witness is the workplace, for it is here most Christians spend half their waking hours, and work is a divine calling. Christians can commend Christ by word of mouth, by their consistent industry, honesty and thoughtfulness, by their concern for justice in the workplace, and especially if others can see from the quality of their daily work that it is done to the glory of God."

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