Monday, May 28, 2012

When God shows up

Obviously God shows up all the time in places and ways we cannot imagine - he is at work everywhere.

But sometimes He shows up in style. And this Sunday that is what he did. Dozens of people at each service came forward for prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Some came forward in tears as God was healing them of hurts. Others were entire families who came to be filled together as God redeemed damaged relationships. Some where facing additional and others temptation. As we prayed, people kept coming forward as God convicted them of sin - it was a powerful and holy moment.

As I reflected in thanksgiving on Sunday there are some things I need to keep learning and they may be helpful to you too:

1. We must ask God to show up
It seems obvious and yet so often we forget to ask God to be part of a gathering. We should desire to see him there and not just at gatherings, we should ask God to be with us in all that we do. Work, play or rest all can be spirit-filled worship in the presence of God.

2. We must ask God to glorify himself
God has made us to worship and when we ask him to help us to fulfil this task he hears our prayers. It is not about us but about him. God hears our prayers when we seek his kingdom above our own agendas.

3. We must pray with others in expectation
We spent much time praying towards this weekend as leaders. We asked God to do whatever he willed and we waited upon him in expectation of his answer. We should live in joyful expectation of God's answer to humble prayer.And when his answer is 'no', or 'not yet' we learn to trust in humility that his plans are best.

4. We must trust his sovereignty
Sometimes God works in mighty ways, moving people to tears and at other times his work is quieter and less dramatic. Ultimately we're dependant on him and he is the one who makes these decisions and in all things he is ruler and lord. We cannot cajole him or force him and we need to learn submission to our King.

5. We need to remember that God is full of surprises
God cannot be boxed. Ever. Sunday reminded me of just that. Simple worship, a basic sermon, a call to repent and God blew our minds. He moved in ways we hoped for but (if I am honest) we sometimes doubted would happen.

Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for showing up in style and reminding your people that you are the living God whom we worship.

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