Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Shepherd - Part one

Leaders of the church are called to shepherd those under their care and it is a form of gospel centred discipling to do it well.

Tim Laniak notes that a shepherd has three distinct roles: they lead, feed and protect. Our model is the Great Shepherd himself, Jesus. This post and the next two will unpack each of these roles.

The shepherd as leader

The shepherd leads the sheep to places that are beneficial to the sheep not to the shepherd. So often leaders are on an agenda that is their own, their leading is to make themselves look good or for them to gain something. A good shepherd is a care taker for the sheep and he knows that they belong to the owner. The joyful duty of the shepherd is to get the sheep back home in the best condition he can, safe and well fed. A good shepherd is always a servant leader with the greater good of the flock in mind.

One of the ways we serve as leaders is to move the people under our care on their journey with Jesus.To lead the sheep you need to know where you are going or else you will wander aimlessly, backtracking, sidestepping and covering ground you have already covered. good leaders have a clear vision for the future and are committed to get the sheep there. As leaders we need to constantly be full of God's spirit or we will fall, fail or flounder our way around.

To be a good shepherd you take the sheep not to places they want to go but to the places they need to go. The narrow ledge may seem dangerous but it may also be the only way to the green pastures and the flowing rivers beyond. To not go because some of the sheep are scared or stubborn is not helpful, in fact it may be harmful to the flock. A good shepherd is a bold leader.

But a good shepherd is also a gentle leader. He helps the smaller and weaker sheep who are being left behind. A good shepherd cares for the whole flock. This is what Jesus did. He tried to shepherd the hard headed Pharisees into the kingdom of grace instead of the prison of law. Jesus shepherded twelve ordinary men to take the gospel to all the nations. He also shepherded a sinful woman caught in adultery and a demonized man who had been trapped by the net of evil. Jesus cared for all of God's people.

Jesus is the consummate shepherd and we need to emulate him as we lead the teams under us.

Are you being a good shepherd by leading those under your care as a leader in the local church?

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