Friday, February 22, 2013

How are we to deal with those who oppose us?

Most of us will know very little about the story of Chick-fil-A, a US restaurant and the opposition to them by the LGBT community, you can get yourself up to speed on the full story here. In short, Chick-fil-A have supported anti LGBT organizations because they are a company with traditional views on sexuality and marriage, like Jesus and the Bible he inspired.

Because we've been talking about how to witness to Jesus over the last two Sundays, the story really caught my eye. Here is a real world example of how we can speak truth to those who oppose us and Jesus message, but yet still bring glory to Jesus. We're reminded to let our speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6. I've got a lot to learn from the story of Dan Cathy, the COO of Chik-fil-A who does exactly that.

Cathy is a devoted follower of Jesus and he has recently reached out to one of the people leading the charge against his company, Shane L. Windmeyer director of Campus Pride. The way that Cathy has dealt with Windmeyer  as become a powerful story of how we're called to speak with people outside of the faith, with grace and truth. It's created a powerful witness to Jesus and has built bridges towards people rather than alienating them. If only all those who follow Jesus could get this right!

Here is an excerpt from the piece Windmeyer wrote, the full article is available at The Huffington Post
Throughout the conversations Dan expressed a sincere interest in my life, wanting to get to know me on a personal level. He wanted to know about where I grew up, my faith, my family, even my husband, Tommy. In return, I learned about his wife and kids and gained an appreciation for his devout belief in Jesus Christ and his commitment to being "a follower of Christ" more than a "Christian." Dan expressed regret and genuine sadness when he heard of people being treated unkindly in the name of Chick-fil-a -- but he offered no apologies for his genuine beliefs about marriage.
Here is what Windmeyer writes as they later stand on the sidelines of a major college football event.
Instead, he stood next to me most of the night, putting respect ahead of fear. There we were on the sidelines, Dan, his wife, his family and friends and I, all enjoying the game. And that is why building a relationship with someone I thought I would never understand mattered. Our worlds, different as they can be, could coexist peacefully. The millions of college football fans watching the game never could have imagined what was playing out right in front of them. Gay and straight, liberal and conservative, activist and evangelist -- we could stand together in our difference and in our respect. How much better would our world be if more could do the same? 
May the same kinds of things be said of us as we deal truthfully and graciously with those around us who do not yet follow Jesus.


  1. Dankie Brent! Ja, as ons nie met liefde kan praat en getuig nie, moet ons eerder stilbly. Maar wat doen 'n mens as 'n mede christen nie glo dat Jesus die enigste Weg is nie. Kontemplatiewe spiritualiteit, New Age-gedagtes waar die self in die kern is en nie noodwendig Jesus nie. Om soos ons te glo word as oudmodies en agter-die-klip beskou. En hoe maak mens as jy direk aangeval word oor jou "arrogansie" en "hoogmoed" om te dink jy is reg en al die ander (Budiste, ens) is verkeerd en dat net mense wat in Jesus glo, Hemel toe sal gaan??????

  2. So called Christians who do not believe in the exclusivity of Jesus is unfortunately a common reality we have to live with. I'd argue that if they believe that there are other ways to get to God they are by definition not Christians. Jesus does say "I am the way...and no one comes to the father except through me " We have to gently and graciously remind people of what God's word says and trust that the Holy Spirit draws them to meet Jesus. Basically we have to treat people like that like we would unbelievers, they need to be evangelised into God's kingdom.

    The claims of arrogance are going to come, all we can say is that we're simply working with what Jesus gave us. If I get to heaven and I am wrong so be it, but all I am doing is taking what Jesus said as if he really meant it, which I think he did!

    1. Dankie hiervoor! Dus wanneer ons getuig is die enigste verskil tussen 'n ongelowige en 'n sekere tipe "New Ager" dat laasgenoemde die Bybel ken en dat ons daarom wel kan se: " The Bible says.."
