Thursday, September 23, 2010

From our denomination: Keeping in Touch 3

23 September 2010

Dear Colleagues


From the desk of the General Secretary

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. I trust that you are well in the grace and love of God, Almighty.

The General Assembly starts on the 25th September 2010 and concludes on 1st October 2010. It would be great to see those of you who are attending as commissioners or may be visiting at certain times. We are looking forward to a wonderful time of worship, celebration, fellowship and discernment as we decide on various matters. There are some exciting things coming to the General Assembly and also some challenging issues which I will write to you about after the Assembly. Also, there will be a daily posting on the UPCSA website ( of key events, discussions and decisions. Please take some time to search the web so that you can stay in touch and in tune. It would be greatly appreciated if you could also share this information with your congregation. In the meantime, please keep the Assembly in your regular prayers. Some of the things you could pray for are:

1. The safe travelling of commissioners.

2. Give thanks for the work of the out- going Moderator, Christopher Mkandawire.

3. The in-coming Moderator, George Marchinkowski.

4. Those responsible for the running of the General Assembly.

5. The Presbytery Arrangements Committee and all those who would serve us through the week.

6. The various items of business, for prayerful discernment and decisions in accordance with God's will for the denomination.

7. For the continued use of the Consensus Model.

8. For the Fraternal Delegates who would join us on Wednesday.

9. Give thanks for the ten ministers who would be retiring at this Assembly.

10. A smooth Assembly filled with a spirit of peace, joy, love and celebration as we strengthen the UPCSA community.

So, if you are not attending the Assembly you can still be one with us in spirit, thought, and prayer. It is about time that we get excited and more deeply connected with the wider UPCSA family, if we are not currently doing so. Ministry is more than just the local congregation, it is about the wider church and, most significantly, it is about the kingdom (reign) of God. Let's get excited about what God wants to do in us, to us and through us!

Thank you so much for your faithful ministry and service to both God and God's people. May you be blessed with all grace, peace, wisdom and strength from above.



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