Thursday, May 26, 2011

Attractional vs Incarnational

There are many models to doing ministry and there are many that are very helpful in different contexts. But there are some particular models that are not helpful for long term deep growth in faith in Jesus in his church.

In the movie "Field of Dreams" the lead character Ray hears a voice that says "if you build it they will come" Many ministries are built on that kind of thinking. If we build good programs people will come, if we have flashy worship people will come, we can have coffee shops and all sorts of other distractions and people will come. 

But I believe that the church needs something deeper and more powerful and more world-changing that than that, something more Jesus-full. This Jesus who simply walked amongst the masses and said in Luke 17:21 "...behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” we need to step out of the box of Sunday and take Jesus to every place we might go on our weekly business.

Attractional ministry gets the world to come to a location where they can be served as every other business offers service. It sounds a lot like McDonalds or Mugg and Bean and Jesus becomes another 'product' that people must come and buy from us. But this does little to disciple people to true Christ following and it does not do much in terms of getting the message of Jesus 'out there' when we're huddled together 'in here'

Incarnational ministry is what Jesus did when He stepped out of heaven and into human likeness and made his dwelling among us. He lived in our world for our sake bringing the good news of God's restoring, redeeming and forgiving work. Attractional ministry is financially expensive but sacrifically lite because most participants don't participate but absorb. This kind of ministry does not really cost us anything. 

In contrast, in my reading of the scriptures everything Jesus calls us to do is costly. 
'lose your life'
'carry you cross', 
'deny yourself'
'give up your wealth and follow me'

Incarnational ministry is costly, messy, dirty and exhilarating as you meet people in the mess of life and bring Christ's truth to bear on their circumstances. This kind of ministry costs us time, sweat and tears and for thousands across the world it has cost them their life. But incarnational ministry is what Jesus did and what he calls us to do, as his follower Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:22–23 "To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings."

What if our kids whilst desiring to get their friends into  KidsChurch also ministered to each other on the playground? My oldest just last week, after a friend of his was nasty to him said "I'm going to pray to Jesus to help you be nice" I'm not quite sure that's what I mean, but you get the drift!

What if the businessman took Christ with him into the marketplace and looked for opportunities to minster to those around him? Seeking to bring honour, integrity and compassion to those mauled in the dog-eat-dog world of business?
What if the student walked around on campus and sought opportunities to bring the good news of wholeness through Christ to a generation who are self-conscious, hurting and often more isolated than they let on?

What if the person in the beauty industry helped those who are focused on the outside and hurting on the inside find worth and value as one created in the image of the Triune God?

What if...

The point is in most churches 'church' happens on a Sunday morning and people come to consume and then leave, not truly changed and certainly not changing the world. But what if we did it differently?

What if...

What if in an incarnational model, Sunday became a celebration and a recharging of batteries so that we can then be sent into the world to witness to the restoring power of Jesus. What if we took Jesus to where he is most needed, instead of waiting for them to come to us.

What if !

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