Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Transformation vs Transition

Funny. Two colleagues who operate in different spheres of the church and have (as far as I know) very little contact with each other have both made a point that is really helpful. Over the last month they have both spoken about something so relevant for our congregation that I had not been able to as clearly articulated as both of them did.

When organizations desire change there are two ways to go about it: transition and transformation.

Transition is when we change the systems hoping that it will produce the desired results. So organizations might implement new leadership structures or put in place new processes but that does not change the organization in any really fundamental way. You might say it's a little like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Not really helpful!

Transformation is a deeper change that is apart from the structures (although those changes may be part of it) that is tougher to do but produces genuine long term change in an organization. This would be like convincing the crew of the Titanic that the ship is not actually unsinkable and that perhaps slowing down might be a wise option. Much more helpful, but it takes a lot more effort!

So, how does this apply to the church?

This is a profoundly important paradigm to look at when we look at Christian faith as individuals and the church that Jesus came to save.

From an individual perspective transition can happen when we believe that all Jesus wants is a bunch of good people. And we live with a long list of do and don't rules. The world already operates under that kind of moralism and so all we have done is transitioned from one rule set to another rule set. Thisdoes not really change the way that we live - sin is a powerful thing and it will lead to us breaking most if not all the rules.

True Christian faith is about a transformation of the heart (Romans 12) It is not that we get a new set of rules, but rather that when we see the wonderful truth of who Jesus is and what he has done for us, that our lives are permanently transformed. That kind of knowledge transforms a human life from it's self absorption and narcissism to a wonderful liberated freedom of living for others and above all for Jesus fame. It takes longer and it cannot be faked - it is a deep powerful heart change.

Transition does not really change things substantially. Transformation has the ability to rock the world! We need to work for transformation in our lives and the life of the church whom we serve.

Here at PVFC I am hoping with our leaders and under God's guidance to put in place much that will create a culture of transformation. I will, as long as Jesus gives me breath, preach the gospel as the good news that Jesus has saved you, not as bad news that there are a whole lot of rules to follow. I spent some time last night with a great group of people who are or will be leading home groups in the near future and they are key people in transforming the 10 or 15 people under their care. In these groups people share community, get discipled and then head on mission into the world where they will witness for Jesus. These groups are a prime point to begin the transformation that the church always needs. They are the fertile, compost rich soil into which the Word is planted and where it will find root and become something amazing and productive for Jesus kingdom. To do this needs transformed leadership who will lead others to be transformed by Christ, for Christ!

Many modern Christians can be apathetic and lazy and many have lost their first love. We cannot transition the church and hope to change them. What we can do is provide the rich ground in which they can be transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit into deeply committed followers of the greatest person who ever lived: the God who became flesh, died on a cross and then rose from the dead, saving his people.

My prayer is that we'd be continually transformed by God into a vibrant community of faith who are so in love with Jesus, not because of the gifts that he gives, but because of who He is, and that we would serve and love each other and the world around us with the same kind of selfless passion that he did.

Isn't that the kind of church you want to be part of? Come lets fix our eyes on Jesus and be a transformed and transforming church.

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