Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Book Review: The Gospel According To Jesus

The Gospel According To Jesus: What is authentic faith? 
By John F MacArthur (First published by Zondervan 1983)

Available at Kalahari.com or Amazon.com

In this book MacArthur stresses the strict submission to the Lordship of Christ, as the vital element of true saving faith and for anyone who is in the slightest doubt as to their salvation, this is a must read.

Jesus’ words about eternal life were invariably accompanied by warnings to those who might be tempted to take salvation lightly. He taught that the cost of following Him is high, that the way is narrow and that few find it. He said that many who call Him Lord will be forbidden from entering the Kingdom of Heaven and for those who have struggled with this damning scripture, this book adequately explains the difference between 'Lordship salvation' and 'easy-believism.'

When Jesus says “come follow me,” it is abundantly clear that He expects total obedience (Luke 6: 46-49) and more often than not He turns people away, rather than have lukewarm followers. The reader is left in no doubt that to be a true disciple is going to be costly and that it would require obedience and sacrifice.

When Jesus calls sinners to repentance, He expects a complete surrender of the will and an inevitable change of behaviour – a radical new lifestyle; not just a difference of opinion, but a turning from the old life, to the new life in Christ. Such a change of purpose is what Paul had in mind when he described the repentance of the Thessalonians (1 Thess 1:9); a turning to God, a turning from evil, and the intent to serve God; true repentance includes all three elements.

Jesus came to seek and save what was lost and so from the opening pages of human history, it was God who sought out the fallen couple in the Garden and it is in His nature to bind up the broken and strengthen the sick. This is good news only for those who acknowledge themselves as sinners. Those who fail to confess their sin – like the rich young ruler – He turns away, but He reaches out in grace to those who like Zacchaeus and the Samaritan woman, admit their sinfulness and seek deliverance.

Let me say as clearly as possible right now that salvation is by God’s sovereign grace and grace alone. Nothing a lost, degenerate, spiritually dead sinner can do will in any way contribute to salvation. Saving faith, repentance, commitment, and obedience are all divine works, wrought by the Holy Spirit in the heart of everyone who is saved - John Macarthur

The book is sprinkled with interesting explanations of some of the parables and teachings of Jesus and makes for easy reading, even for the theologically challenged, and is highly recommended for anyone interested in a firmer grasp of the issues about real faith and salvation. I also found the book helpful as a daily read, as each chapter is independent of the rest and deals with different subjects.

All in all it is a very instructive book by an author of sound doctrine and useful tool for evangelising, especially for those who need some assistance explaining the scriptures.

Leon Huisamen - Elder

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