Friday, April 6, 2012

Sexual Healing

Absolutely brilliant! Please pass this on to anyone who has kids who are facing these kinds of temptations. (pre--teen to young adult)

The evil one lies to us about the value of sexuality leading us to believe that it is not as holy as God desires it to be. He uses it as a tool to hold us into slavery and to draw us into a place of feeling unworthy,  unworthy of the love of others and unworthy of the love of God. But there is a resurrected saviour who can heal us of the damage we do to ourselves and the damage inflicted on us by others.


  1. the church does not focus on this area nearly enough - as a guy saved when i was 8 years years old and someone who stopped serving God at 22 due to this specific area - it saddens me that very few churches even look at this area - even now in my second marriage which is in deep trouble. i at the age of 47 am 14 days sober by GOD miracle - having joined XXXchurch online in the USA - how sad. obviously there were problems in my childhood - but wow churches are fast asleep in this area

    1. Why do you think that is?

      If you don't mind my asking, what is your geographic location? Are you from South Africa or from the US as I wonder if there is a geographic variation is the visibility of these issues?

      Keep strong and keep the faith. Be reminded that even when you fail Jesus' grace is sufficient!

  2. Dear Anonymous from US, I am observing a lot of pain and resentment...maybe I can relate? Forgiveness takes a lot of courage, sometime takes a wrestle with God and yourself. We celebrate the dark days before the resurrection, and wonder I what Jesus had to battle with? We only progress when we take up our cross, face reality head on and remember that NOTHING can stand between a life with Christ, but it takes GUTS to be loyal to life and a life with purpose, less of self more of him will allow healing, surrender..start living NOW, its never to late! It takes your 1st step. Me and you are God's church, Love Anonymous #2
