Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All theology and no application?

So in one of the talks at the Global Leadership Summit Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church and highly respected in the field of leadership, said this in jest: "What do you call someone who is all theology and no application? Presbyterian!" grrrrrr!

But this got me thinking. It's great to help people understand the truth about God BUT it has to be shared in a way that helps them apply that truth - the application is what helps us to KNOW God and not just KNOW ABOUT God.

It's great to talk about the Trinity, but how do we apply that truth? Well God the Father is the transcendent person of God, Jesus the compassionate person of God and the Holy Spirit is the present person of God. Immediately we can see how God meets all our needs for himself so that he may be glorified in us.

Truth: Jesus was raised from the dead.
Application: we will also be resurrected and will spend eternity with him so live like children of God's eternal kingdom.

Truth: God is magnificent, glorious and holy.
Application: we live for him in everything that we do - all for His Glory!

Truth: People are made in the image of God.
Application: all people are valuable in God's eyes and we treat them as such.

Truth: The Bible is the inspired word of God.
Application: Read it!! that you might know the mind of Christ, the will of the Father and the power of the Spirit.

Truth: There will be a judgment.
Application. Come to Jesus and be saved from your sin. Then be part of God's saving as many others as you can!

The point of the Bible is to lead us to God revealed as Father, Son and Spirit SO THAT we'd live in this world for his Glory. Without the application the truth simply becomes a bit of knowledge but it does not affect the world, it does not become part of Jesus redeeming work. It remains simply a seed instead of the harvest God desires it to be.

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